Paediatrician At Home
· For Your Newborn ·

During the first days you will have a thousand questions about the care of your baby and we know that during the first week of life, leaving home, for example, to go to a pediatric consultation is quite a challenge. After childbirth, the fatigue, the baby blues, the beginnings with breastfeeding, the postpartum pains and above all, the lack of time to do the same things that you did before, are difficult to bear.
We will make sure that everything is fine and we will accompany you and guide you in the care of your baby from the comfort of your home.
What To Expect From Our Paediatrician’s Visit?
At Bel&Mums, we know parents wellbeing is crucial, so that you are in the best condition to care for your babies. We understand that parental anxiety significantly decreases when you know your pediatrician, and you don’t have to leave home with strict appointment schedules.
Having access to a pediatrician with extensive experience in both well-child care and emergencies, who knows your baby, enhances the quality of care and reduces errors. This is known as continuity of care, and scientific evidence emphasizes its importance for better patient care.
There is also a significant benefit to having consultations at your home, especially when babies are very young. As you may know, the younger the babies are, the fewer defenses they have. Hospitals and medical offices are well-known for being filled with germs, and while infections are not common, they pose a risk to the little ones.
We Adapt To Your Needs!
We can use either of the two languages in our visits!
No trips required. In the comfort and privacy of your home.
Whenever you need
Contact us and we’ll try to schedule an appointment for you very soon.
Book A Visit From Our Paediatrician
Keep in mind that this service is covered by certain reimbursement policies, up to 90% of its cost. You can check here for some of the insurance plans that offer this coverage.
Paediatrician Visit
English or Spanish
With an experienced Paediatrician
Covered by reimbursement policies
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Book A Visit From Our Paediatrician
English or Spanish
With an experienced Paediatrician
Covered by reimbursement policies
Insurance Companies That Cover Our Services
Our services are covered by health insurance only if you have a reimbursement policy. Here are some examples of insurances that cover our services up to 90%. We recommend checking with your insurance company regarding the coverage of your reimbursement policy for this particular service.

If you have any questions about our Pediatrician Visits, feel free to contact us!